Monday, September 1, 2008

Here is Kyle's weekly letter. Even though it I wanted to sleep in for Labor Day Holiday, I woke up at 6:00 AM and couldn't go back to sleep so I could hurry down to the computer to find Kyle's letter. He sounds great. I'm so pleased that it sounds like he working hard to serve. (They said in Sunday school we should say we are "pleased with our kids" so that we don't let pride enter in but letters like this make it a bit hard not to feel pride. I also feel worry... and missing... and... all kinds of emotions!

Hallo Familie! How are things going? I am doing good. Transfer time ist coming up again. This Saturday night we get the call. I dont have a clue what will happen but odds are good that i will be leaving, maybe. We all want to stay together but that probably wont happen. I want to stay with elder Coray too. Hes awesome. he is a wrestler and reminds me a lot of matt. He has wrestled me a few times but i just play dead. It works everytime. He is a great missionary too. This week a lot happened. Car Trouble- To start off with last P day we had an appointment with a lady to teach her english and the other 2 went to buy groceries. We get there and start teaching her and we get a phone call from the other 2 and they tell us that they accidentally locked the keys in the trunk of the car with the groceries. So we had to go rescue them. We finally got there and i guess they called around and it would be real expensive to have a locksmith dude do it or whatever so i was like ok were gonna brake in. One of the 2 back doors wasnt closed all the way so there was a little space to work with. So i said we should buy a hanger and bend it and fish the keys out through the tiny space between the door. It worked. Then on the way to zonekonferenz in Neu Brandenburg we were driving and we were almost there and its 2 hours away when elder Cummings told us the clutch wasnt working and he couldnt shift gears at all so we pulled over. Luckily president drove by and took elder coray and me with him. the car is in Neu brandenkjh still getting repaired so we have been car-los. We should be getting it back soon. We also drove to a little dorf and worked for a little bit there and it is so beautiful there. It is what you think of when you think of germany. It is called Bad freiwalder or something i dunno. Zone ko was good. President will probably be a general authority so watch out. He has a power when he talks and his voice and his german is like perfect. I have heard that he has really cleaned up the mission too and he stresses baptisms. We are one of the best in Europe now from what i hear. Elder Kutscka told us that when he was in the MTC in Preston because hes german that they told them that the missionaries in south america and stuff where fishers and bring the people in like crazy and the missionaries in europe are like hunters who wait and wait and then take the perfect shot for the kill like that. So he said he was taught that and then he got here and he said that president told him to have 10 baptismal dates set by the end of the transfer and he was like what? President is so cool. I always get nervous when he talks to me but he always just tells me elder hall youre a good man do you know that. and i say uhh yea i guess. Our interviews are so short haha. Its like hello how ya doin...ok whos turn is it to pray. Its funny. I have a feeling though that i am leaving and elder coray will get a golden there or something because all of my companions so far have become zone leader or AP as soon as they have left me. I dont know what that means. The other day we had the day of the open door for our new church rooms here so some other missionaries came and stuff and we had a stand. It was good but these 2 missionaries talked to this guy and i guess he was mean and like cussed them out and then i came up to talk to him and we talked and then we made out an appointment for a Bom and he bought me a drink of fanta. But afterwards we kind of found out that he is a drug dealer but oh well. Yea things are going good here. We had a couple baptismal dates but they are not looking to good cause one of them is a dude who is not dependable at all and doesnt always show up. We are working with a couple families and one of them will eventually get baptised so that is cool. Also for some reason a few good looking young ladies have said they will come to english class so that will be hard work. There are also 2 members and i dont know how they got baptized because they dont know anything about the gospel really but we have reactivated them and they are my favorite members. I think they both are a little slow but they are so funny. One of them is jobless, 51 and he lives in one of the messiest appts ever. Its gross. But he is pretty funny and he has add or something really bad. We gave him finding faith in Christ and he watches it like 3 times a day. Well i will tell you more about him later. Tell chris to take an art class and chill with mrs raub. They are fun classes. Have a good week and hopefully i will have good news about transfers next monday.

Elder Hall

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